Source code for flopt.convert.linearize

from flopt.variable import Variable, VarElement
from flopt.expression import Expression, Const
from flopt.convert.binarize import binarize
from flopt.constants import VariableType
from flopt.env import setup_logger, create_variable_mode

logger = setup_logger(__name__)

class LinearizeError(Exception):

class NeedToBinarize(Exception):

[docs]def linearize(prob): """linearize of problem Parameters ---------- prob : Problem Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import flopt x = flopt.Variable.array('x', 3, cat='Binary') prob = flopt.Problem() prob += x[0] - 2*x[1] - x[0]*x[1]*x[2] print('[ original ]') >>> [ original ] >>> Name: None >>> Type : Problem >>> sense : minimize >>> objective : x_0-(2*x_1)-((x_0*x_1)*x_2) >>> #constraints : 0 >>> #variables : 3 (Binary 3) from flopt.convert import linearize linearize(prob) print('[ linearized ]) >>> [ linearized ] >>> Name: None >>> Type : Problem >>> sense : minimize >>> objective : 0-mul_1+x_0-(2*x_1) >>> #constraints : 6 >>> #variables : 5 (Binary 5) >>> C 0, name for_mul_0_1, mul_0-x_0 <= 0 >>> C 1, name for_mul_0_2, mul_0-x_1 <= 0 >>> C 2, name for_mul_0_3, mul_0-(x_0+x_1-1) >= 0 >>> C 3, name for_mul_1_1, mul_1-mul_0 <= 0 >>> C 4, name for_mul_1_2, mul_1-x_2 <= 0 >>> C 5, name for_mul_1_3, mul_1-(mul_0+x_2-1) >= 0 """ try: var_muls = {} prob.setObjective(linearize_expression(prob.obj, var_muls)) for const in prob.getConstraints(): const.expression = linearize_expression(const.expression, var_muls) except NeedToBinarize: f"problem will be binarized because it includes dislinearable multipry" ) return linearize(binarize(prob)) except LinearizeError as e: logger.error(f"this problem can not be linearized") except Exception as e: raise e # add constraints for variable-multipry for (var_a, var_b), var_mul in var_muls.items(): # (Binary, Binary) if {var_a.type(), var_b.type()} == {VariableType.Binary}: prob += var_mul <= var_a, f"for_{}_1" prob += var_mul <= var_b, f"for_{}_2" prob += var_mul >= var_a + var_b - 1, f"for_{}_3" # (Binary, Integer) elif {var_a.type(), var_b.type()} == { VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Integer, }: if var_a.type() == VariableType.Binary: var_bin, var_int = var_a, var_b else: var_bin, var_int = var_b, var_a l = var_int.getLb(number=True) u = var_int.getUb(number=True) prob += var_mul >= l * var_bin, f"for_{}_1" prob += var_mul <= u * var_bin, f"for_{}_2" prob += var_mul >= var_int - u * (1 - var_bin), f"for_{}_3" prob += var_mul <= var_int - l * (1 - var_bin), f"for_{}_4" # (Binary, Continuous) elif {var_a.type(), var_b.type()} == { VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Continuous, }: if var_a.type() == VariableType.Binary: var_bin, var_con = var_a, var_b else: var_bin, var_con = var_b, var_a l = var_con.getLb(number=True) u = var_con.getUb(number=True) prob += var_mul >= l * var_bin, f"for_{}_1" prob += var_mul <= u * var_bin, f"for_{}_2" prob += var_mul >= var_con - l * (1 - var_bin), f"for_{}_3" prob += var_mul <= var_con - u * (1 - var_bin), f"for_{}_4" return prob
def linearize_expression(e, var_muls): """linearize a expression Parameters ---------- e : Expresson or VarElement var_muls : dict var_muls[var_a, var_b] = var_c, where var_c = var_a * var_b """ if isinstance(e, (VarElement, Const)): return e if e.isLinear(): return e e.resetlinkChildren() finish = False while not finish: finish, e = linearize_traverse(e, var_muls) if finish and not e.isLinear(): e = e.expand() e.resetlinkChildren() finish = False return e def linearize_traverse(e, var_muls): """subroutine of linearize_expression Parameters ---------- e : Expresson or VarElement var_muls : dict var_muls[var_a, var_b] = var_c, where var_c = var_a * var_b Returns ------- bool return true if a expession is linearized else false """ if is_var_mul(e): if not is_linearable(e): raise LinearizeError() elif need_binarize(e): raise NeedToBinarize() var_mul = create_var_mul(e, var_muls) return True, var_mul for node in e.traverse(): if isinstance(node, Expression): update = False if is_var_mul(node.elmA): if not is_linearable(node.elmA): raise LinearizeError() elif need_binarize(node.elmA): raise NeedToBinarize() node.elmA = create_var_mul(node.elmA, var_muls) update = True if is_var_mul(node.elmB): if not is_linearable(node.elmB): raise LinearizeError() elif need_binarize(node.elmB): raise NeedToBinarize() node.elmB = create_var_mul(node.elmB, var_muls) update = True if update: node.resetName() node.polynomial = None for parent in node.traverseAncestors(): parent.resetName() parent.polynomial = None return False, e return True, e def create_var_mul(node, var_muls): """create new variable and replace variable-multiply to it Parameters ---------- node : Expression var_muls : dict stocked multiplized variables """ var_a, var_b = sorted([node.elmA, node.elmB], key=lambda x: if (var_a, var_b) not in var_muls: # (Binary, Binary) if {var_a.type(), var_b.type()} == {VariableType.Binary}: with create_variable_mode(): var_mul = Variable( f"mul", cat="Binary", ini_value=var_a.value() * var_b.value(), ) # (Binary, Integer) elif {var_a.type(), var_b.type()} == { VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Integer, }: with create_variable_mode(): var_mul = Variable( f"mul", lowBound=get_lower_bound(var_a, var_b), upBound=get_upper_bound(var_a, var_b), cat="Integer", ini_value=var_a.value() * var_b.value(), ) # (Binary, Continuous) elif {var_a.type(), var_b.type()} == { VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Continuous, }: with create_variable_mode(): var_mul = Variable( f"mul", lowBound=get_lower_bound(var_a, var_b), upBound=get_upper_bound(var_a, var_b), cat="Continuous", ini_value=var_a.value() * var_b.value(), ) var_muls[var_a, var_b] = var_mul return var_muls[var_a, var_b] def get_lower_bound(var_a, var_b): """calculate lower bound of var_a * var_b Notes ----- pair of var_a and var_b type is only (VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Integer) or (VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Continuous) """ assert {var_a.type(), var_b.type()} == { VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Integer, } or {var_a.type(), var_b.type()} == {VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Continuous} if var_a.type() == VariableType.Binary: var_binary, var_other = var_a, var_b else: var_binary, var_other = var_b, var_a if var_other.lowBound is None: return None return min(0, var_other.lowBound) def get_upper_bound(var_a, var_b): """calculate upper bound of var_a * var_b Notes ----- pair of var_a and var_b type is only (VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Integer) or (VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Continuous) """ assert {var_a.type(), var_b.type()} == { VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Integer, } or {var_a.type(), var_b.type()} == {VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Continuous} if var_a.type() == VariableType.Binary: var_binary, var_other = var_a, var_b else: var_binary, var_other = var_b, var_a if var_other.upBound is None: return None return max(0, var_other.upBound) def is_var_mul(node): """ Parameters ---------- node : Expression or VarElement Returns ------- bool return true if node is Expression and variable-multiply else false """ return ( isinstance(node, Expression) and node.operator == "*" and isinstance(node.elmA, VarElement) and isinstance(node.elmB, VarElement) ) def is_linearable(node): """ Parameters ---------- node : Expression or VarElement Returns ------- bool return true if node is Expression and variable-multiply """ assert is_var_mul(node) linearable_pairs = [ {VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Binary}, {VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Integer}, {VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Continuous}, {VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Spin}, {VariableType.Spin, VariableType.Spin}, {VariableType.Spin, VariableType.Integer}, {VariableType.Spin, VariableType.Continuous}, {VariableType.Integer, VariableType.Integer}, {VariableType.Integer, VariableType.Continuous}, ] return {node.elmA.type(), node.elmB.type()} in linearable_pairs def need_binarize(node): """ Parameters ---------- node : Expression or VarElement Returns ------- bool return true if node must be binarized for linearize else false """ assert is_var_mul(node) need_binarize_pairs = [ {VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Spin}, {VariableType.Spin, VariableType.Spin}, {VariableType.Spin, VariableType.Integer}, {VariableType.Spin, VariableType.Continuous}, {VariableType.Integer, VariableType.Integer}, {VariableType.Integer, VariableType.Continuous}, ] return {node.elmA.type(), node.elmB.type()} in need_binarize_pairs