Source code for flopt.convert.structure

import numpy as np

from flopt import Variable, Problem
from flopt.container import FloptNdarray
from flopt.convert.linearize import linearize
from flopt.constants import VariableType, ConstraintType, array_classes, np_float
from flopt.error import ConversionError
from flopt.env import setup_logger, create_variable_mode

logger = setup_logger(__name__)

# -------------------------------------------------------
#   Utils
# -------------------------------------------------------

def to_nparray_or_None(x):
    if x is not None:
        if isinstance(x, array_classes) and not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x = np.array(x, dtype=np_float)
    return x

def merge(func, arrays):
    func: numpy function
    arrays: list of (array, coeff)

    if all(array is None for array, coeff in arrays):
        return None
        non_nones = [coeff * array for array, coeff in arrays if array is not None]
        return func(non_nones)

def zero_percentage(array):
    if array is None:
        return None
    return f"{(1 - np.count_nonzero(array)/array.size)*100:.3f}"

def shape(array):
    if array is None:
        return None
    return array.shape

# -------------------------------------------------------
#   Expression Structures
# -------------------------------------------------------

class QuadraticStructure:
    """Quadratic Structure

      1/2 + + C

    def __init__(self, Q, c, C, x=None):
        self.Q = to_nparray_or_None(Q)
        self.c = to_nparray_or_None(c)
        self.C = C
        self.x = to_nparray_or_None(x)

    def toLinear(self):

            If this problem cannot be converted to LinearStructure
        if self.Q is not None and not np.all(self.Q == 0):
            raise ConversionError()
        return LinearStructure(self.c, self.C, self.x)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"QuadraticStructure{self.Q, self.c, self.C, self.x}"

class LinearStructure:
    """Linear Structure
    :: + C

    def __init__(self, c, C, x=None):
        self.c = to_nparray_or_None(c)
        self.C = C
        self.x = to_nparray_or_None(x)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"LinearStructure{self.c, self.C, self.x}"

# -------------------------------------------------------
#   Problem Structures
# -------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class QpStructure: """Quadratic Programming Structure :: obj 1/2 + + C s.t. Gx <= h Ax == b lb <= x <= ub """ def __init__( self, Q, c, C, G=None, h=None, A=None, b=None, lb=None, ub=None, types="Continuous", x=None, ): self.Q = to_nparray_or_None(Q) self.c = to_nparray_or_None(c) self.C = C self.G = to_nparray_or_None(G) self.h = to_nparray_or_None(h) self.A = to_nparray_or_None(A) self.b = to_nparray_or_None(b) = to_nparray_or_None(lb) self.ub = to_nparray_or_None(ub) self.types = types self.x = to_nparray_or_None(x) def numVariables(self): if self.x is not None: return len(self.x) elif self.G is not None: return self.G.shape[1] elif self.A is not None: return self.A.shape[1]
[docs] @classmethod def fromFlopt(cls, prob, x=None, option=None, progress=False): """ Parameters ---------- prob : Problem x : None or list of VarElement family progress: bool option : {"ineq", "eq"} Returns ------- QpStructure """ assert option is None or option in { "ineq", "eq", }, f"option must be None, ineq or eq, but got {option}" assert prob.obj.isQuadratic() assert all(const.isLinear() for const in prob.getConstraints()) if x is None: variables = list(prob.getVariables()) x = FloptNdarray(sorted(variables, key=lambda v: ("__" in, elif not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x = FloptNdarray(x) quadratic = prob.obj.toQuadratic(x) Q, c, C = quadratic.Q, quadratic.c, quadratic.C if Q is not None: num_x = Q.shape[0] elif c is not None: num_x = len(c) else: num_x = 0 if progress: import tqdm def iter_wrapper(x, desc, *args, **kwargs): return tqdm.tqdm(x, desc=desc) else: def iter_wrapper(x, *args, **kwargs): return x # create G, h num_ineq_consts = sum( const.type() == ConstraintType.Le for const in prob.getConstraints() ) if num_ineq_consts == 0: G = None h = None else: G = np.zeros((num_ineq_consts, num_x), dtype=np_float) h = np.zeros((num_ineq_consts,), dtype=np_float) i = 0 for const in iter_wrapper( prob.getConstraints(), desc="convert ineq constraints" ): if const.type() == ConstraintType.Le: # + C <= 0 linear = const.expression.toLinear(x) G[i, :] = linear.c.T h[i] = -linear.C i += 1 assert i == num_ineq_consts # create A, b num_eq_consts = sum( const.type() == ConstraintType.Eq for const in prob.getConstraints() ) if num_eq_consts == 0: A = None b = None else: A = np.zeros((num_eq_consts, num_x), dtype=np_float) b = np.zeros((num_eq_consts,), dtype=np_float) i = 0 for const in iter_wrapper( prob.getConstraints(), desc="convert eq constraints" ): if const.type() == ConstraintType.Eq: linear = const.expression.toLinear(x) A[i, :] = linear.c.T b[i] = -linear.C i += 1 assert i == num_eq_consts # create lb, ub lb = np.array([var.lowBound for var in x], dtype=np_float) ub = np.array([var.upBound for var in x], dtype=np_float) # create types type2str = { VariableType.Continuous: "Continuous", VariableType.Integer: "Integer", VariableType.Binary: "Binary", VariableType.Spin: "Spin", } types = [type2str[var.type()] for var in x] qp = cls(Q, c, C, G, h, A, b, lb, ub, types, x) if option == "ineq": return qp.toIneq() elif option == "eq": return qp.toEq() return qp
[docs] def toIneq(self): """convert all non eqaual constraint type :: obj 1/2 + + C s.t. [G; A; -A] x <= [h; b; -b] lb <= x <= ub Returns ------- QpStructure """ G = merge(np.vstack, [(self.G, 1), (self.A, 1), (self.A, -1)]) h = merge(np.hstack, [(self.h, 1), (self.b, 1), (self.b, -1)]) A = None b = None return QpStructure( self.Q, self.c, self.C, G, h, A, b,, self.ub, self.types, self.x )
[docs] def toEq(self): """convert all eqaual constraint type :: obj 1/2[Q, O; O, O]).dot([x; s]) + [c; O][x; s]) + C s.t. [A, O; G, I] [x; s] == [b; h] lb <= x <= ub 0 <= s """ assert self.x is not None or self.types is not None if self.G is None: return self num_stack = len(self.G) num_var = self.numVariables() Q = np.zeros((num_var + num_stack, num_var + num_stack), dtype=np_float) Q[: self.Q.shape[0], : self.Q.shape[1]] = self.Q c = np.hstack([self.c, np.zeros((num_stack,), dtype=np_float)]) if self.A is None: A_row, A_col = 0, 0 else: A_row, A_col = self.A.shape A = np.zeros((A_row + num_stack, num_var + num_stack), dtype=np_float) A[:A_row, :A_col] = self.A A[A_row:, : self.G.shape[1]] = self.G A[A_row:, self.G.shape[1] :] = np.identity(num_stack, dtype=np_float) if self.b is None: b = self.h else: b = np.hstack([self.b, self.h]) if is not None: lb = np.hstack([, np.zeros((num_stack,), dtype=np_float)]) else: lb = None if self.ub is not None: ub = np.hstack([self.ub, np.full((num_stack,), None, dtype=np_float)]) else: ub = None if self.types is not None: types = self.types + ["Continuous"] * num_stack else: types = self.types if self.x is not None: with create_variable_mode(): s = Variable.array( "slack", num_stack, lowBound=0, cat="Continuous", ini_value=0 ) x = np.hstack([self.x, s]) else: x = self.x return QpStructure(Q, c, self.C, None, None, A, b, lb, ub, types, x)
[docs] def boundsToIneq(self): """convert bounds constraints into inequality constraints :: obj 1/2 + + C s.t. [G; -I; I] x <= [h; -lb; ub] A x == b Returns ------- QpStructure """ G = np.array(self.G) if self.G is not None else None h = np.array(self.h) if self.h is not None else None if is not None: I = np.identity(self.numVariables(), dtype=np_float) non_none_ix = np.logical_not(np.isnan( G = merge(np.vstack, [(G, 1), (I[non_none_ix], -1)]) h = merge(np.hstack, [(h, 1), ([non_none_ix], -1)]) if self.ub is not None: I = np.identity(self.numVariables(), dtype=np_float) non_none_ix = np.logical_not(np.isnan(self.ub)) G = merge(np.vstack, [(G, 1), (I[non_none_ix], 1)]) h = merge(np.hstack, [(h, 1), (self.ub[non_none_ix], 1)]) lb, ub = None, None return QpStructure( self.Q, self.c, self.C, G, h, self.A, self.b, lb, ub, self.types, self.x )
[docs] def toFlopt(self, var_name="x"): """ Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable prefix Returns ------- Problem """ if self.x is not None: x = self.x else: x = Variable.array(var_name, len(self.Q),, self.ub, self.types) prob = Problem() prob += (0.5 * ( + + self.C).expand() if self.G is not None: for g, h_ in zip(self.G, self.h): prob += <= h_ if self.A is not None: for a, b_ in zip(self.A, self.b): prob += == b_ return prob
def isLp(self): return self.Q is None or np.all(self.Q == 0)
[docs] def toLp(self): """ Returns ------- LpStructure Raises ------ ConversionError If this cannot be conversion to LpStructure """ if self.Q is not None and not np.all(self.Q == 0):"linearization will be done because it is not linearize") prob = self.toFlopt() linearize(prob) if prob.obj.isLinear() and all( const.isLinear() for const in prob.getConstraints() ): return LpStructure.fromFlopt(prob) else: raise ConversionError() return LpStructure( self.c, self.C, self.G, self.h, self.A, self.b,, self.ub, self.types, self.x, )
[docs] def toIsing(self): """ :: QpStructure --> Problem (flopt) --> IsingStructure Returns ------- IsingStructure """ assert self.G is None and self.A is None return self.toFlopt().obj.toIsing()
[docs] def toQubo(self): """ :: QpStructure --> Problem (flopt) --> IsingStructure --> QuboStructure Returns ------- QuboStructure """ assert self.G is None and self.A is None return self.toIsing().toQubo()
def show(self, to_str=False): s = f"QpStructure\n" s += f"obj 1/2 + + C\n" s += f"s.t. Gx <= h\n" s += f" Ax == b\n" s += f" lb <= x <= ub\n\n" s += f"#x\n{self.numVariables()}\n\n" s += f"Q\n{self.Q}\n\n" s += f"c\n{self.c}\n\n" s += f"C\n{self.C}\n\n" s += f"G\n{self.G}\n\n" s += f"h\n{self.h}\n\n" s += f"A\n{self.A}\n\n" s += f"b\n{self.b}\n\n" s += f"lb\n{}\n\n" s += f"ub\n{self.ub}\n\n" s += f"x\n{self.x}" if to_str: return s print(s) def __repr__(self): return f"QpStructure{self.Q, self.c, self.C, self.G, self.h, self.A, self.b,, self.ub, self.types, self.x}" def __str__(self): s = f"QpStructure\n" s += f" #x {self.numVariables()}\n" s += f" #Q {shape(self.Q)} (0-element {zero_percentage(self.Q)} %)\n" s += f" #c {shape(self.c)}\n" s += f" #C {self.C}\n" s += f" #G {shape(self.G)} (0-element {zero_percentage(self.G)} %)\n" s += f" #h {shape(self.h)}\n" s += f" #A {shape(self.A)} (0-element {zero_percentage(self.A)} %)\n" s += f" #b {shape(self.b)}\n" s += f" #lb {len( if is not None else None}\n" s += f" #ub {len(self.ub) if self.ub is not None else None}" return s
[docs]class LpStructure: """Linear Programming Structure :: obj + C s.t. Gx <= h Ax == b lb <= x <= ub """ def __init__( self, c, C, G=None, h=None, A=None, b=None, lb=None, ub=None, types="Continuous", x=None, ): self.c = to_nparray_or_None(c) self.C = C self.G = to_nparray_or_None(G) self.h = to_nparray_or_None(h) self.A = to_nparray_or_None(A) self.b = to_nparray_or_None(b) = to_nparray_or_None(lb) self.ub = to_nparray_or_None(ub) self.types = types self.x = to_nparray_or_None(x) def numVariables(self): if self.x is not None: return len(self.x) elif self.G is not None: return self.G.shape[1] elif self.A is not None: return self.A.shape[1]
[docs] def toIneq(self): """ Returns ------- LpStructure """ return self.toQp().toIneq().toLp()
[docs] def toEq(self): """ Returns ------- LpStructure """ return self.toQp().toEq().toLp()
[docs] @classmethod def fromFlopt(cls, prob, x=None, option=None, progress=False): """ :: Problem (flopt) --> QpStructure --> LpStructure Parameters ---------- prob : Problem x : None or list of Variable family option : {"ineq", "eq"} progress : bool Returns ------- LpStructure """ assert option is None or option in { "ineq", "eq", }, f"option must be None, ineq or eq, but got {option}" qp = QpStructure.fromFlopt(prob, x, progress=progress) if option == "ineq": return qp.toIneq().toLp() elif option == "eq": return qp.toEq().toLp() return qp.toLp()
[docs] def toFlopt(self, var_name="x"): """ :: LpStructure --> QpStructure --> Problem (flopt) Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable prefix Returns ------- Problem """ return self.toQp().toFlopt(var_name)
[docs] def toQp(self): """ Returns ------- QpStructure """ Q = np.zeros((len(self.c), len(self.c)), dtype=np_float) return QpStructure( Q, self.c, self.C, self.G, self.h, self.A, self.b,, self.ub, self.types, self.x, )
[docs] def toIsing(self): """ :: LpStructure --> Problem (flopt) --> IsingStructure Returns ------- IsingStructure """ assert self.G is None and self.A is None return self.toFlopt().obj.toIsing()
[docs] def toQubo(self): """ :: LpStructure --> Problem (flopt) --> IsingStructure --> QuboStructure Returns ------- QuboStructure """ assert self.G is None and self.A is None return self.toIsing().toQubo()
def show(self, to_str=False): s = f"LpStructure\n" s += f"obj + C\n" s += f"s.t. Gx <= h\n" s += f" Ax == b\n" s += f" lb <= x <= ub\n\n" s += f"#x\n{self.numVariables()}\n\n" s += f"c\n{self.c}\n\n" s += f"C\n{self.C}\n\n" s += f"G\n{self.G}\n\n" s += f"h\n{self.h}\n\n" s += f"A\n{self.A}\n\n" s += f"b\n{self.b}\n\n" s += f"lb\n{}\n\n" s += f"ub\n{self.ub}\n\n" s += f"x\n{self.x}" if to_str: return s print(s) def __repr__(self): return f"LpStructure{self.c, self.C, self.G, self.h, self.A, self.b,, self.ub, self.types, self.x}" def __str__(self): s = f"LpStructure\n" s += f" #x {self.numVariables()}\n" s += f" #c {shape(self.c)}\n" s += f" #C {self.C}\n" s += f" #G {shape(self.G)} (0-element {zero_percentage(self.G)} %)\n" s += f" #h {shape(self.h)}\n" s += f" #A {shape(self.A)} (0-element {zero_percentage(self.A)} %)\n" s += f" #b {shape(self.b)}\n" s += f" #lb {len( if is not None else None}\n" s += f" #ub {len(self.ub) if self.ub is not None else None}" return s
[docs]class IsingStructure: """Ising Structure .. obj - - + C s.t. x in {-1, 1}^N """ def __init__(self, J, h, C, x=None): self.J = to_nparray_or_None(J) self.h = to_nparray_or_None(h) self.C = C self.x = to_nparray_or_None(x) def numVariables(self): if self.x is not None: return len(self.x) elif self.J is not None: return self.J.shape[0] @classmethod def fromFlopt(cls, prob, x=None): return prob.obj.toIsing()
[docs] def toFlopt(self, var_name="x"): """ Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable prefix Returns ------- Problem """ if self.x is not None: x = self.x else: x = Variable.array(var_name, len(self.J), cat="Spin") prob = Problem() prob += - + self.C return prob
[docs] def toQp(self): """ :: IsingStructure --> Problem (flopt) --> QpStructure Returns ------- QpStructure """ return QpStructure.fromFlopt(self.toFlopt())
[docs] def toLp(self): """ :: IsingStructure --> Problem (flopt) --> QpStructure --> LpStructure Returns ------- LpStructure """ return self.toQp().toLp()
[docs] def toQubo(self): """ Returns ------- QuboStructure """ num_x = len(self.J) # create Q Q = np.zeros((num_x, num_x), dtype=np_float) for i in range(num_x): for j in range(i + 1, num_x): Q[i, j] = -4 * self.J[i, j] for i in range(num_x): Q[i, i] = 2 * (self.J[:i, i].sum() + self.J[i, i + 1 :].sum() - self.h[i]) # create C C = self.C - np.triu(self.J).sum() + self.h.sum() # create x if self.x is None: x = None else: for var in self.x: var.toBinary() x = np.array([var.binary for var in self.x], dtype=object) return QuboStructure(Q, C, x)
def show(self, to_str=False): s = f"IsingStructure\n" s += f"- - + C\n\n" s += f"#x\n{self.numVariables()}\n\n" s += f"J\n{self.J}\n\n" s += f"h\n{self.h}\n\n" s += f"C\n{self.C}\n\n" s += f"x\n{self.x}" if to_str: return s print(s) def __repr__(self): return f"IsingStructure{self.J, self.h, self.C, self.x}" def __str__(self): s = f"IsingStructure\n" s += f" #x {self.numVariables()}\n" s += f" #J {shape(self.J)} (0-element {zero_percentage(self.J)} %)\n" s += f" #h {shape(self.h)}\n" s += f" #C {self.C}\n" return s
[docs]class QuboStructure: """QUBO Structure :: obj + C """ def __init__(self, Q, C, x=None): self.Q = to_nparray_or_None(Q) self.C = C self.x = to_nparray_or_None(x) def numVariables(self): if self.x is not None: return len(self.x) elif self.Q is not None: return self.Q.shape[0]
[docs] @classmethod def fromFlopt(cls, prob, x=None): """ :: Problem (flopt) --> IsingStructure --> QuboStructure """ return IsingStructure.fromFlopt(prob, x).toQubo()
[docs] def toFlopt(self, var_name="x"): """ Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable prefix Returns ------- Problem """ if self.x is not None: x = self.x else: x = Variable.array(var_name, len(self.Q), cat="Binary") prob = Problem() prob += ( + self.C).expand() return prob
[docs] def toQp(self): """ :: QuboStructure --> Problem (flopt) --> QpStructure Returns ------- QpStructure """ return QpStructure.fromFlopt(self.toFlopt())
[docs] def toLp(self): """ :: QuboStructure --> Problem (flopt) --> QuboStructure --> LpStructure Returns ------- LpStructure """ return self.toQp().toLp()
[docs] def toIsing(self): """ :: QuboStructure --> Problem (flopt) --> IsingStructure Returns ------- IsingStructure """ return self.toFlopt().obj.toIsing()
def show(self, to_str=False): s = f"QuboStructure\n" s += f" + C\n\n" s += f"#x\n{self.numVariables()}\n\n" s += f"Q\n{self.Q}\n\n" s += f"C\n{self.C}\n\n" s += f"x\n{self.x}" if to_str: return s print(s) def __repr__(self): return f"QuboStructure{self.Q, self.C, self.x}" def __str__(self): s = f"QuboStructure\n" s += f" #x {self.numVariables()}\n" s += f" #Q {shape(self.Q)} (0-element {zero_percentage(self.Q)} %)\n" s += f" #C {self.C}\n" return s