Source code for flopt.polynomial

import operator
import functools

from flopt.constants import VariableType

[docs]class Monomial: """ Parameters ---------- terms : dict(Variable=exponentiation) this monomial is represented as coeff * prod( var_i ^ {exp_i} for var_i, exp_i in terms.items() ), where exp_i is positive integer. coeff : int or float coefficient of monomial Notes ----- If terms is empty dictionary, then this monomial is constant whose value is self.coeff """ def __init__(self, terms={}, coeff=1): self.terms = terms self.coeff = coeff self.max_degree = None self.is_linear = None self._hash = None
[docs] def clone(self): """ Returns ------- Monomial """ return Monomial(dict(self.terms), self.coeff)
def value(self): return self.coeff * functools.reduce( operator.mul, (var.value() ** exponent for var, exponent in self.terms.items()), )
[docs] def maxDegree(self): """ Returns ------- int maximum degree of variables """ if self.max_degree is None: self.max_degree = max([0] + [exp for val, exp in self.terms.items()]) return self.max_degree
[docs] def diff(self, x): """ Parameters ---------- x : VarElement family Returns ------- Monomial the monomial differentiated by x """ if not x in self.terms: return Monomial(coeff=0) else: terms = dict(self.terms) coeff = self.coeff * terms[x] terms[x] -= 1 if terms[x] == 0: del terms[x] return Monomial(terms, coeff)
[docs] def isConstant(self): """ Returns ------- bool return True if it is constant else False """ return len(self.terms) == 0
[docs] def isLinear(self): """ Returns ------- bool Return True if it is linear else False """ if self.is_linear is None: self.is_linear = self.maxDegree() <= 1 and len(self.terms) <= 1 return self.is_linear
[docs] def isQuadratic(self): """ Returns ------- bool Return True if it is quadratic else False """ return sum(self.terms.values()) <= 2
[docs] def toPolynomial(self): """ Returns ------- Polynomial """ if self.terms: return Polynomial({Monomial(self.terms): self.coeff}) return Polynomial(constant=self.coeff)
[docs] def toExpression(self): """ Returns ------- Expression """ expression = self.coeff for var, exponent in self.terms.items(): expression *= var**exponent return expression
[docs] def simplify(self): """Simplify this monomial Returns ------- Monomial """ terms = {} for x in self.terms: if x.type() == VariableType.Binary: terms[x] = 1 # x * x = x elif x.type() == VariableType.Spin: if self.terms[x] % 2 == 1: terms[x] = 1 # x * x = 1 --> x^{2n+1} = x else: pass # x * x = 1 --> x^{2n} = 1 (become constant 1) else: terms[x] = self.terms[x] return Monomial(terms, self.coeff)
def __mul__(self, other): mono = self.clone() mono *= other return mono def __rmul__(self, other): return self * other def __imul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, float)): self.coeff *= other elif isinstance(other, Monomial): for x in other.terms: if x in self.terms: self.terms[x] += other[x] else: self.terms[x] = other[x] self.coeff *= other.coeff self.max_degree = None self.is_linear = None else: return NotImplemented self._hash = None return self def __pow__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, int) terms = {x: exp * other for x, exp in self.terms.items()} return Monomial(terms, self.coeff**other) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.terms.items()) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.terms[item] def __hash__(self): if self._hash is None: self._hash = hash( tuple( sorted([(, exp) for x, exp in self.terms.items()]) + [self.coeff] ) ) return self._hash def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Monomial): return hash(self) == hash(other) def __str__(self): s = "" for x, exp in self.terms.items(): if exp == 1: s += "*" + f"{}" else: s += "*" + f"{}^{exp}" if self.coeff == 1: if s: return s[1:] else: return "1" else: return f"{self.coeff}" + s def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class Polynomial: """ Parameters ---------- terms : dict(Monomial=coeff) sum( coeff_i * mono_i for mono_i, coeff_i in terms.items() ) + constant constant : int of float constant of polynomial """ def __init__(self, terms={}, constant=0): self.terms = terms self._constant = constant def value(self): return ( sum(coeff * mono.value() for mono, coeff in terms.items()) + self.constant() )
[docs] def coeff(self, *args): """ Returns ------- int or float coefficient of monomial Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from flopt import Variable x = Variable('x') y = Variable('y') e = x ** 2 + 3 * y ** 3 e.polynomial >>> x^2+3*y^3+0 get coefficient of `x^2` term .. code-block:: python e.polynomial.coeff(x, x) >>> 1 get coefficient of `x` term, it is 0 .. code-block:: python e.polynomial.coeff(x) >>> 0 get coefficient of `y^3` term, it is 0 .. code-block:: python e.polynomial.coeff(y**3) >>> 3 """ mono = args[0].toMonomial() if len(args) > 1: mono = mono.clone() for elm in args[1:]: mono *= elm.toMonomial() if mono in self.terms: return self.terms[mono] return 0
[docs] def constant(self): """ Returns ------- int or float """ return self._constant
[docs] def isConstant(self): """ Returns ------- bool return True if it is constant else False """ return len(self.terms) == 0
[docs] def isMonomial(self): """ Returns ------- bool return True if it is monomial else False """ return len(self.terms) == 0 or (len(self.terms) == 1 and self._constant == 0)
[docs] def toMonomial(self): """ Returns ------- Monomial """ assert self.isMonomial() if len(self.terms) == 0: return Monomial(coeff=self._constant) else: mono = list(self.terms.keys())[0] return Monomial(mono.terms, self.terms[mono])
[docs] def diff(self, x): """ Returns ------- Polynomial return polynomial differentiated by x """ poly = Polynomial(constant=0) for mono, coeff in self: poly += coeff * mono.diff(x) return poly
[docs] def maxDegree(self): """ Returns ------- int """ return max(mono.maxDegree() for mono in self.terms)
[docs] def isLinear(self): """ Returns ------- bool return True if it is linear else False """ return all(mono.isLinear() for mono in self.terms)
[docs] def isQuadratic(self): """ Returns ------- bool return True if it is quadratic else False """ return all(mono.isQuadratic() for mono in self.terms)
[docs] def simplify(self): """ Returns ------- Polynomial return simplified self polynomial """ terms = {} constant = 0 for mono in self.terms.keys(): _mono = mono.simplify() if _mono.isConstant(): constant += _mono.coeff else: terms[_mono] = self.terms[mono] return Polynomial(terms, constant + self._constant)
def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Polynomial(self.terms, self._constant + other) elif isinstance(other, Monomial): return self + other.toPolynomial() elif isinstance(other, Polynomial): terms = dict(self.terms) for mono, coeff in other: if mono in terms: terms[mono] += coeff else: terms[mono] = coeff # clean up if terms[mono] == 0: del terms[mono] constant = self._constant + other._constant return Polynomial(terms, constant) return NotImplemented def __radd__(self, other): return self + other def __sub__(self, other): return self + (-other) def __rsub__(self, other): return -self + other def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, float)): terms = {mono: coeff * other for mono, coeff in self} return Polynomial(terms, self._constant * other) elif isinstance(other, Monomial): return self * other.toPolynomial() elif isinstance(other, Polynomial): terms = {} for mono, coeff in other: for mono_, coeff_ in self: mono__ = mono * mono_ if mono__ in terms: terms[mono__] += coeff * coeff_ else: terms[mono__] = coeff * coeff_ # clean up if terms[mono__] == 0: del terms[mono__] for mono, coeff in self: if mono in terms: terms[mono] += other._constant * coeff else: terms[mono] = other._constant * coeff # clean up if terms[mono] == 0: del terms[mono] for mono, coeff in other: if mono in terms: terms[mono] += self._constant * coeff else: terms[mono] = self._constant * coeff # clean up if terms[mono] == 0: del terms[mono] constant = self._constant * other._constant return Polynomial(terms, constant) return NotImplemented def __rmul__(self, other): return self * other def __pow__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, int) poly = Polynomial(constant=1) for _ in range(other): poly *= self return poly def __neg__(self): terms = {mono: -coeff for mono, coeff in self.terms.items()} return Polynomial(terms, -self._constant) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.terms.items()) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.coeff(item) def __hash__(self): return hash( tuple(sorted([(hash(x), coeff) for x, coeff in self.terms.items()])) ) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Polynomial): return hash(self) == hash(other) def __str__(self): s = "" for mono, coeff in self.terms.items(): if coeff == 1: s += f"{mono}+" elif coeff > 0: s += f"{coeff}*{mono}+" else: s += f"({coeff}*{mono})+" return s + f"{self._constant}" def __repr__(self): return str(self)