Source code for flopt.problem

import flopt
from flopt.variable import VarElement
from flopt.expression import Expression, CustomExpression, Const, SelfReturn
from flopt.constraint import Constraint
from flopt.solvers import Solver
from flopt.solution import Solution
from flopt.constants import (
from flopt.env import setup_logger, create_variable_mode

logger = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Problem: """ Interface between User and Solver Parameters ---------- name : str name of problem sense : str, optional minimize, maximize (future satisfiability is added) Attributes ---------- name : str name of problem sense : str, optional minimize, maximize (future satisfiability is added) obj : Expression family solver : Solver or None time : float solving time Examples -------- >>> prob = Problem(name='test') When we want to solve the maximize problem, then >>> prob = Problem(name='test', sense='maximize') We solve >>> prob.solve(solver=solver_name or solver object, timelimit=10) After solving, we can obtain the objective value. >>> prob.getObjectiveValue() """ def __init__(self, name=None, sense=OptimizationType.Minimize): self.type = "Problem" = name self.sense = str(sense) self.obj = Const(0) self.obj_name = None self.constraints = [] self.__variables = set() self.solver = None self.time = None self.best_bound = None
[docs] def clone(self, variable_clone=False): """create clone object Parameters ---------- variable_clone : bool if it is true, variables are cloned in expression Returns ------- prob : Problem """ prob = Problem( name=f"{}" if is not None else None, sense=self.sense, ) if not variable_clone: prob.setObjective(self.obj.clone(), self.obj_name) for const in self.constraints: prob.addConstraint(const.clone(), return prob var_dict = { SelfReturn(var.clone()) for var in self.getVariables()} prob.setObjective(self.obj.value(var_dict=var_dict), self.obj_name) for const in self.constraints: const_exp = const.expression.value(var_dict=var_dict) if const.type == ConstraintType.Eq: prob.addConstraint(const_exp == 0, else: prob.addConstraint(const_exp <= 0, return prob
[docs] def setObjective(self, obj, name=None): """set objective function. __iadd__(), "+=" operations call this function. Parameters ---------- obj : int, float, Variable family or Expression family objective function """ if isinstance(obj, (int, float)): obj = Const(obj) elif isinstance(obj, VarElement): obj = Expression(obj, Const(0), "+") self.obj = obj self.obj_name = name
[docs] def setBestBound(self, best_bound): """ Parameters ---------- best_bound : float best objective value of this problem """ self.best_bound = best_bound
[docs] def addConstraint(self, const, name=None): """add constraint into problem. __iadd__(), "+=" operations call this function. Parameters ---------- const : Constraint constraint name : str or None constraint name Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import flopt prob = flopt.Problem(algo=...) x = flopt.Variable("x") y = flopt.Variable("y") prob.addConstraint(x + y >= 2) """ assert isinstance( const, Constraint ), f"assume Constraint class, but got {type(const)}" = name self.constraints.append(const)
def addConstraints(self, consts, name=None): for i, const in enumerate(consts): _name = if name is None else name + f"_{i}" self.addConstraint(const, _name)
[docs] def removeDuplicatedConstraints(self): """Remove duplicated constraints in problem Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import flopt a = flopt.Variable("a") b = flopt.Variable("b") c = flopt.Variable("c") prob = flopt.Problem(name="Test") prob += a + b >= 0 prob += a + b >= 0 prob += a >= -b prob += 0 >= -a - b prob += Sum([a, b]) >= 0 len(prob.constraints) >>> 5 prob.removeDuplicatedConstraints() len(prob.constraints) >>> 1 """ for const in self.constraints: const.expression = const.expression.expand() self.constraints = list(set(self.constraints))
[docs] def getObjectiveValue(self): """ Returns ------- float or int the objective value """ return self.obj.value()
[docs] def getVariables(self): """ Returns ------- set set of VarElement used in this problem """ self.__variables = self.obj.getVariables() for const in self.constraints: self.__variables |= const.getVariables() return self.__variables
[docs] def getConstraints(self): """ Returns ------- list of Constraint list of constraints in this problem """ return self.constraints
[docs] def solve( self, solver=None, timelimit=None, lowerbound=None, optimized_variables=None, msg=False, **kwargs, ): """solve this problem Parameters ---------- solver : Solver or None timelimit : float or None lowerbound : float or None solver terminates when it obtains the solution whose objective value is lower than this value optimized_variables : None or list, tuple, np.ndarray or any container of Variable if it is specified, solver will optimize only the variables in optimized_variables msg : bool if true, display the message from solver Returns ------- Status return the status of solving Log return log object Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import flopt a = flopt.Variable("a") b = flopt.Variable("b") c = flopt.Variable("c") prob = flopt.Problem(name="Test") prob += a + b prob += a + b >= 0 solver = flopt.Solver("auto") status, logs = prob.solve(solver=solver) When user want to optimize a part of variables under otherwise variables are fixed, user specify optmized_variables in problem.solve(). .. code-block:: python # optimize only a status, log = prob.solve(optimized_variables=[a], timelimit=1) """ if solver is None: solver = Solver("auto") elif isinstance(solver, str): solver = Solver(solver) if timelimit is not None: solver.setParams(timelimit=timelimit) if lowerbound is not None: solver.setParams(lowerbound=lowerbound) solver.setParams(**kwargs) self.solver = solver if self.sense.lower() == "maximize": self.obj = -self.obj if optimized_variables is None: solution = Solution(self.getVariables()) else: assert ( set(optimized_variables) <= self.getVariables() ), "optimized_variables containes variables that are not in the problem" solution = Solution(optimized_variables) status, log, self.time = self.solver.solve( solution, self.obj, self.constraints, self, msg=msg, ) if self.sense.lower() == "maximize": self.obj = -self.obj return status, log
[docs] def getSolution(self, k=1): """get the k-top solution Parameters ---------- k : int return k-top solution """ assert k >= 1 if k == 1: return self.solver.best_solution return self.solver.log.getSolution(k=k)
[docs] def setSolution(self, k=1): """set the k-top solution to variables Parameters ---------- k : int set k-top solution data to variables """ assert k >= 1 solution = self.getSolution(k) var_dict = solution.toDict() for var in self.getVariables(): var.setValue(var_dict[].value())
[docs] def toProblemType(self): """ Returns ------- problem_type : dict key is "Variable", "Objective", "Constraint" """ problem_type = {} variable_types = [ VariableType.Binary, VariableType.Integer, VariableType.Continuous, VariableType.Permutation, VariableType.Number, VariableType.Any, ] expression_types = [ ExpressionType.Linear, ExpressionType.Quadratic, ExpressionType.Polynomial, ExpressionType.Differentiable, ExpressionType.Nonlinear, ExpressionType.Permutation, ExpressionType.BlackBox, ExpressionType.Any, ] # variables prob_variables_types = set(var.type() for var in self.getVariables()) for variable_type in variable_types: if prob_variables_types <= variable_type.expand(): problem_type["Variable"] = variable_type break # objective for expression_type in expression_types: if self.obj.type() in expression_type.expand(): problem_type["Objective"] = expression_type break # constraint if not self.constraints: problem_type["Constraint"] = ExpressionType.Non else: prob_expression_types = set( const.expression.type() for const in self.getConstraints() ) for expression_type in expression_types: if prob_expression_types <= expression_type.expand(): problem_type["Constraint"] = expression_type break return problem_type
[docs] def toEq(self): """Create a problem object with only equal constraints Returns ------- prob : Problem """ prob = self.clone() constraints = [] for const in prob.constraints: if const.type() == ConstraintType.Eq: constraints.append(const) else: # ConstraintType.Le with create_variable_mode(): s = flopt.Variable( "slack", lowBound=0, cat="Continuous", ini_value=0 ) constraints.append(const.expression + s == 0) prob.constraints = constraints return prob
[docs] def toIneq(self): """Create a problem object with only inequal constraints Returns ------- prob : Problem """ prob = self.clone() constraints = [] for const in prob.constraints: if const.type() == ConstraintType.Le: constraints.append(const) else: # ConstraintType.Eq constraints.append(const.expression <= 0) constraints.append(const.expression >= 0) prob.constraints = constraints return prob
[docs] def boundsToIneq(self): """Create a problem object has bounds constraints of variables as inequal constraints Returns ------- prob : Problem """ prob = self.clone() for var in prob.getVariables(): if var.getLb() is not None: prob += var >= var.getLb() if var.getUb() is not None: prob += var <= var.getUb() var.lowBound = None var.upBound = None return prob
[docs] def toRelax(self): """Create relaxed problem Returns ------- prob : Problem """ prob = self.clone() correspondence_dict = dict() for var in prob.getVariables(): if var.type() == VariableType.Continuous: pass elif var.type() == VariableType.Integer: with create_variable_mode(): relaxed_var = flopt.Variable( var.getName(), lowBound=var.getLb(), upBound=var.getUb(), ini_value=var.value(), ) correspondence_dict[var] = relaxed_var elif var.type() == VariableType.Binary: with create_variable_mode(): relaxed_var = flopt.Variable( var.getName(), lowBound=0, upBound=1, ini_value=var.value() ) correspondence_dict[var] = relaxed_var elif var.type() == VariableType.Spin: with create_variable_mode(): relaxed_var = flopt.Variable( var.getName(), lowBound=0, upBound=1, ini_value=(var.value() + 1) // 2, ) correspondence_dict[var] = 2 * relaxed_var - 1 else: assert True return prob.replace(correspondence_dict)
[docs] def replace(self, correspondence_dict): """Replace variable to another variables or expression Parameters ---------- correspondence_dict : dict key is Variable and value is Variable or ExpressionElement Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import flopt # create problem x = flopt.Variable("x", lowBound=4, upBound=5) prob = flopt.Problem() prob += x >>> Name: None >>> Type : Problem >>> sense : Minimize >>> objective : x+0 >>> #constraints : 0 >>> #variables : 1 (Continuous 1) >>> >>> >>> V 0, name x, Continuous 4 <= x <= 5 # convert bounds of variables to constraints prob = prob.clone().boundsToIneq() >>> Name: None >>> Type : Problem >>> sense : Minimize >>> objective : x+0 >>> #constraints : 2 >>> #variables : 1 (Continuous 1) >>> >>> C 0, name None, 4-x <= 0 >>> C 1, name None, x-5 <= 0 >>> >>> V 0, name x, Continuous None <= x <= None # replace x with x_plus + x_minus x_plus = flopt.Variable("x_plus", lowBound=0) x_minus = flopt.Variable("x_minus", lowBound=0) prob.replace(correspondence_dict={x: x_plus + x_minus}) >>> Name: None >>> Type : Problem >>> sense : Minimize >>> objective : x_plus+x_minus >>> #constraints : 2 >>> #variables : 2 (Continuous 2) >>> >>> C 0, name None, 4-(x_plus+x_minus) <= 0 >>> C 1, name None, x_plus+x_minus-5 <= 0 >>> >>> V 0, name x_minus, Continuous 0 <= x_minus <= None >>> V 1, name x_plus, Continuous 0 <= x_plus <= None """ assert all(isinstance(key, VarElement) for key in correspondence_dict.keys()) prob = self.clone() var_dict = { SelfReturn(var) for var in prob.getVariables()} for var, value in correspondence_dict.items(): var_dict[] = SelfReturn(value) prob.setObjective(prob.obj.value(var_dict=var_dict), prob.obj_name) for const in prob.constraints: const.expression = const.expression.value(var_dict=var_dict) return prob
def __iadd__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, tuple): other = (other,) if isinstance(other[0], Constraint): self.addConstraint(*other) elif isinstance(other[0], array_classes): self.addConstraints(*other) else: self.setObjective(*other) return self def __str__(self, prefix=""): from collections import defaultdict variables_dict = defaultdict(int) for var in self.getVariables(): variables_dict[var.type()] += 1 variables_str = ", ".join( [ f'{str(key).replace("VariableType.", "")} {value}' for key, value in sorted(variables_dict.items()) ] ) obj_name = self.obj.getName() if self.obj_name is None else f"{self.obj_name}, " s = f"{prefix}Name: {}\n" s += f"{prefix} Type : {self.type}\n" s += f"{prefix} sense : {self.sense}\n" s += f"{prefix} objective : {obj_name}\n" s += f"{prefix} #constraints : {len(self.constraints)}\n" s += f"{prefix} #variables : {len(self.getVariables())} ({variables_str})" return s def show(self, to_str=False): s = str(self) + "\n\n" for ix, const in enumerate(self.constraints): s += f" C {ix}, name {}, {const}\n" s += "\n" for ix, var in enumerate(self.getVariables()): s += f" V {ix}, name {}, {var.type()} {var.getLb()} <= {} <= {var.getUb()}\n" if to_str: return s print(s)