Source code for flopt.solvers.scipy_searches.scipy_milp_search

from scipy import optimize as scipy_optimize
import numpy as np

from flopt.solvers.base import BaseSearch
from flopt.convert import LpStructure
from flopt.container import FloptNdarray
from flopt.constants import VariableType, ExpressionType, SolverTerminateState
from flopt.env import setup_logger

logger = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs]class ScipyMilpSearch(BaseSearch): """Scipy optimize milp API Solver Note ---- In scipy version 1.9.0, we can not obtain the incumbent solution from scipy.optimize.milp API, and can not use callback to this API for logging. Therefore, we can obtain the solution when only scipy.optimize.milp terminate the execution normally. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import flopt # Variables a = flopt.Variable("a", lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat="Integer") b = flopt.Variable("b", lowBound=1, upBound=2, cat="Continuous") c = flopt.Variable("c", lowBound=-1, upBound=3, cat="Continuous") # Problem prob = flopt.Problem() prob += a + b + c + 2 prob += a + b >= 2 prob += b - c >= 3 solver = flopt.Solver("ScipyMilp") prob.solve(solver, msg=True) See Also -------- scipy.optimize.milp """ name = "ScipyMilp" can_solve_problems = { "Variable": VariableType.Number, "Objective": ExpressionType.Linear, "Constraint": ExpressionType.Linear, } def search(self, solution, *args): self.start_build() # lp structure lp = LpStructure.fromFlopt( self.prob, x=solution, option="ineq", ) # bounds lbs = [_lb if not np.isnan(_lb) else -np.inf for _lb in] ubs = [_ub if not np.isnan(_ub) else np.inf for _ub in lp.ub] bounds = scipy_optimize.Bounds(lbs, ubs) # integrality integrality = [var.type() != VariableType.Continuous for var in lp.x] # constraints (lp.G x <= lp.h) has_constraints = lp.G is not None lb = np.full_like(lp.h, -np.inf) if has_constraints: constraints = scipy_optimize.LinearConstraint(lp.G, lb, lp.h) else: constraints = None self.end_build() # options options = { "disp": self.msg, "time_limit": max(0, self.timelimit - self.build_time), } # search res = scipy_optimize.milp( c=lp.c, constraints=constraints, integrality=integrality, bounds=bounds, options=options, ) # res.status = 0: Optimal solution found. # 1: Iteration or time limit reached. # 2: Problem is infeasible. # 3: Problem is unbounded. # 4: Other; see message for details. if res.x is not None: solution.setValuesFromArray(res.x) self.registerSolution(solution) if res.status == 0: return SolverTerminateState.Normal elif res.status == 1: return SolverTerminateState.Timelimit elif res.status == 2: return SolverTerminateState.Infeasible elif res.status == 3: return SolverTerminateState.Unbounded return SolverTerminateState.Abnormal