Source code for flopt.solvers.scipy_searches.scipy_search

from scipy import optimize as scipy_optimize
import numpy as np

from flopt.solvers.base import BaseSearch
from flopt.expression import Const
from flopt.solution import Solution
from flopt.constants import (
from flopt.env import setup_logger

logger = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs]class ScipySearch(BaseSearch): """scipy optimize minimize API Solver Parameters ---------- n_max_retry : int maximum number of retries to success the search n_trial : int number of trials in scipy solver should_continue_searching : bool if it is true, the searches continue to timelimit calculate_jac_hess : bool if it is true, jac and hess is calculated and pass them into the solver, if it is possible Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import flopt # Variables a = flopt.Variable("a", lowBound=-2, upBound=1, cat="Integer") b = flopt.Variable("b", lowBound=1, upBound=4, cat="Continuous") c = flopt.Variable("c", lowBound=0, upBound=3, cat="Continuous") # Problem prob = flopt.Problem() prob += a*a + a*b + b + c + 2 prob += a + b >= 2 prob += b - c == 3 prob.solve(solver="Scipy", msg=True) print(flopt.Value([a, b, c])) >>> [0, 2.9999999999999996, 0.0] See Also -------- scipy.optimize.minimize """ name = "Scipy" can_solve_problems = { "Variable": VariableType.Number, "Objective": ExpressionType.Any, "Constraint": ExpressionType.Any, } def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.n_max_retry = 100 self.n_trial = 1e8 self.should_continue_searching = False self.calculate_jac_hess = False self.method = None def search(self, solution, objective, constraints): self.start_build() def gen_func(expression): def func(values): # check timelimit self.raiseTimeoutIfNeeded() for var, value in zip(solution, values): if var.type() == VariableType.Spin: value = 2 * value - 1 if not var.type() == VariableType.Continuous: value = round(value) var.setValue(value) try: return expression.value(solution) except OverflowError: return float("inf") return func # initial point x0 = [var.value() for var in solution] # bounds lb, ub = [], [] for var in solution: if var.type() == VariableType.Spin: lb.append(0) ub.append(1) else: lb.append(l if (l := var.getLb()) is not None else -np.inf) ub.append(u if (u := var.getUb()) is not None else np.inf) bounds = scipy_optimize.Bounds(lb, ub, keep_feasible=False) # constraints scipy_constraints = [] for const in constraints: const_func = gen_func(const) lb, ub = 0, 0 if const.type() == ConstraintType.Le: lb = -np.inf nonlinear_const = scipy_optimize.NonlinearConstraint(const_func, lb, ub) scipy_constraints.append(nonlinear_const) # options options = {"maxiter": self.n_trial} # callback for scipy def callback(values): for var, value in zip(solution, values): if var.type() == VariableType.Spin: value = 2 * value - 1 # binary -> spin if not var.type() == VariableType.Continuous: value = round(value) var.setValue(value) # update best solution if needed self.registerSolution(solution, msg_tol=1e-8) # callbacks self.callback([solution]) jac = None hess = None if self.calculate_jac_hess: if objective.differentiable(): flopt_jac = objective.jac(solution) flopt_hess = objective.hess(solution) jac = gen_func(flopt_jac) hess = gen_func(flopt_hess) else: logger.warning(f"ScipySearch dose not calcuate the jac and hess") self.end_build() for i in range(self.n_max_retry): res = scipy_optimize.minimize( gen_func(objective), x0, bounds=bounds, constraints=scipy_constraints, options=options, callback=callback, args=(), method=self.method, jac=jac, hess=hess, hessp=None, tol=None, ) if self.msg: print() print("-" * 20 + " ScipySearch " + "-" * 20) print(res) print("-" * 20 + "-------------" + "-" * 20) print() if res.success: # get result of solver solution.setValuesFromArray(res.x) self.registerSolution(solution) if self.should_continue_searching: for var in solution: var.setRandom() x0 = [var.value() for var in solution] else: return SolverTerminateState.Normal else: logger.warning(f"ScipySearch could not success to find solution.") for var in solution: var.setRandom(scale=1.0 / (1 << (i // 4 + 1))) x0 = [var.value() for var in solution] logger.warning( f"{i+1}-th Restart ScipySearch scaled {1.0/(1 << (i+1))}" ) if not self.should_continue_searching: logger.warning(f"ScipySearch cound not success to find solution.") return SolverTerminateState.Abnormal else: return SolverTerminateState.Normal