Source code for flopt.variable

import math
import types
import random
import itertools

import numpy as np

import flopt
from flopt.polynomial import Monomial, Polynomial
from flopt.container import FloptNdarray
from flopt.expression import ExpressionElement, Expression, Const
from flopt.constraint import Constraint
from flopt.constants import (
from flopt.env import (

logger = setup_logger(__name__)

# -------------------------------------------------------
#   Variable and Variable Container Factory
# -------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class VariableFactory: """API of variable generation""" def checkName(self, name): assert "+" not in name, f"The + character cannot be used in the name." assert "-" not in name, f"The - character cannot be used in the name." assert "*" not in name, f"The * character cannot be used in the name." assert "/" not in name, f"The / character cannot be used in the name." assert "%" not in name, f"The % character cannot be used in the name." assert "^" not in name, f"The ^ character cannot be used in the name." # assert "(" not in name, f"The ( character cannot be used in the name." # assert ")" not in name, f"The ) character cannot be used in the name." if is_create_variable_mode(): assert name.startswith("__"), f"The name must be started with __ characters" else: assert not name.startswith( "__" ), f"The name must not be started with __ characters" def __call__( self, name, lowBound=None, upBound=None, cat="Continuous", ini_value=None ): """Create Variable object Parameters ---------- name : str name of variable lowBound : float, optional lowBound upBound : float, optional upBound cat : str, optional category of variable ini_value : float, optional set value to variable Returns ------- Variable Family return Variable Family Examples -------- Create Integer, Continuous and Binary Variable >>> from flopt import Variable >>> a = Variable(name='a', lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat='Integer') >>> c = Variable(name='c', lowBound=1, upBound=2, cat='Continuous') >>> b = Variable(name='b', cat='Binary') >>> s = Variable(name='s', cat='Spin') Create [lowBound, ..., upBound] range permutation variable >>> p = Variable(name='p', lowBound=0, upBound=10, cat='Permutation') We can see the data of variable, print(). >>> print(p) >>> Name: p >>> Type : VarPermutation >>> Value : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] >>> lowBound: 0 >>> upBound : 10 """ if is_create_variable_mode(): assert name is not None name = f"__{get_variable_id()}_" + name self.checkName(name) name = name.replace(" ", "_") cat = str(cat) if cat == "Continuous": return VarContinuous(name, lowBound, upBound, ini_value) elif cat == "Integer": return VarInteger(name, lowBound, upBound, ini_value) elif cat == "Binary": if lowBound is not None and lowBound != 0: logger.warning( f"lowBound of {name} is ignored because its category is Binary" ) if upBound is not None and upBound != 1: logger.warning( f"upBound of {name} is ignored because its category is Binary" ) return VarBinary(name, ini_value) elif cat == "Spin": return VarSpin(name, ini_value) elif cat == "Permutation": assert lowBound is not None and upBound is not None return VarPermutation(name, lowBound, upBound, ini_value) else: raise ValueError(f"cat {cat} cannot be used")
[docs] @classmethod def dicts( cls, name, indices=None, lowBound=None, upBound=None, cat=VariableType.Continuous, ini_value=None, index_start=[], ): """ Parameters ---------- name : str name of variable indices : tuple or generator keys of variable dictionary lowBound : float, optional lowBound upBound : float, optional upBound cat : str, optional category of variable ini_value : float, optional set value to variable Returns ------- dict """ if indices is None: raise TypeError( "LpVariable.dicts missing both 'indices' and deprecated 'indexs' arguments." ) if isinstance(indices, types.GeneratorType): indices = tuple(indices) elif not isinstance(indices, tuple): indices = (indices,) index = indices[0] indices = indices[1:] variables = {} if len(indices) == 0: for i in index: if isinstance(i, array_classes): var_name = f"{name}_" + "_".join(map(str, i)) else: var_name = f"{name}_{i}" variables[i] = Variable( var_name, lowBound, upBound, cat, ini_value, ) else: for i in index: variables[i] = Variable.dicts( name, indices, lowBound, upBound, cat, ini_value, index_start + [i] ) return variables
[docs] @classmethod def dict( cls, name, keys, lowBound=None, upBound=None, cat="Continuous", ini_value=None ): """ Parameters ---------- name : str name of variable keys : tuple or generator keys of variable dictionary lowBound : float, optional lowBound upBound : float, optional upBound cat : str, optional category of variable ini_value : float, optional set value to variable Returns ------- dict Examples -------- >>> Variable.dict('x', [0, 1]) >>> {0: Variable(x_0, cat="Continuous", ini_value=0.0), >>> 1: Variable(x_1, cat="Continuous", ini_value=0.0)} >>> >>> Variable.dict('x', range(2), cat='Binary') >>> {0: Variable(x_0, cat="Binary", ini_value=0), >>> 1: Variable(x_1, cat="Binary", ini_value=0)} >>> >>> Variable.dict('x', (range(2), range(2)), cat='Binary') >>> {(0, 0): Variable(x_0_0, cat="Binary", ini_value=0), (0, 1): Variable(x_0_1, cat="Binary", ini_value=0), (1, 0): Variable(x_1_0, cat="Binary", ini_value=0), (1, 1): Variable(x_1_1, cat="Binary", ini_value=0)} >>> >>> # not work >>> # Variable.dict('x', [range(2), range(2)], cat='Binary') """ if not isinstance(keys, tuple): iterator = keys else: iterator = itertools.product(*keys) variables = {} for key in iterator: if isinstance(key, (range, types.GeneratorType)): raise ValueError(f"key must not be generator") if isinstance(key, array_classes): var_name = f"{name}_" + "_".join(map(str, key)) else: var_name = f"{name}_{key}" variables[key] = Variable(var_name, lowBound, upBound, cat, ini_value) return variables
[docs] def array( self, name, shape, lowBound=None, upBound=None, cat="Continuous", ini_value=None ): """ Parameters ---------- name : str name of variable shape : int of tuple of int shape of array lowBound : number class or array of number class lowBound upBound : number class or array of number class upBound cat : str or array of cat category of variable ini_value : number class or array of number class set value to variable Returns ------- numpy.array Examples -------- >>> Variable.array('x', 2, cat='Binary') >>> array([Variable(x_0, cat="Binary", ini_value=0), >>> Variable(x_1, cat="Binary", ini_value=0)], dtype=object) >>> >>> Variable.array('x', (2, 2), cat='Binary') >>> array([[Variable(x_0_0, cat="Binary", ini_value=0), >>> Variable(x_0_1, cat="Binary", ini_value=0)], >>> [Variable(x_1_0, cat="Binary", ini_value=0), >>> Variable(x_1_1, cat="Binary", ini_value=0)]], dtype=object) """ if isinstance(shape, int): shape = (shape,) if isinstance(lowBound, array_classes): lowBound = np.array(lowBound, dtype=np_float) if isinstance(upBound, array_classes): upBound = np.array(upBound, dtype=np_float) if isinstance(cat, array_classes): cat = np.array(cat, dtype=str) if isinstance(ini_value, array_classes): ini_value = np.array(ini_value, dtype=np_float) iterator = itertools.product(*map(range, shape)) variables = np.ndarray(shape, dtype=object) digits = [len(str(s)) for s in shape] for i in iterator: var_name = f"{name}_" + "_".join( str(s).zfill(digit) for s, digit in zip(i, digits) ) _lowBound = lowBound[i] if isinstance(lowBound, array_classes) else lowBound _upBound = upBound[i] if isinstance(upBound, array_classes) else upBound _cat = cat[i] if isinstance(cat, array_classes) else cat _ini_value = ( ini_value[i] if isinstance(ini_value, array_classes) else ini_value ) variables[i] = Variable(var_name, _lowBound, _upBound, _cat, _ini_value) return FloptNdarray(variables)
[docs] @classmethod def matrix( cls, name, n_row, n_col, lowBound=None, upBound=None, cat="Continuous", ini_value=None, ): """Overwrap of VariableFactory.array Parameters ---------- name : str name of variable n_row : int number of rows n_col : int number of columns lowBound : number class or array of number class lowBound upBound : number class or array of number class upBound cat : str or array of cat category of variable ini_value : number class or array of number class set value to variable Returns ------- numpy.array Examples -------- >>> Variable.matrix('x', 2, 2, cat='Binary') >>> array([[Variable(x_0_0, cat="Binary", ini_value=0), >>> Variable(x_0_1, cat="Binary", ini_value=0)], >>> [Variable(x_1_0, cat="Binary", ini_value=0), >>> Variable(x_1_1, cat="Binary", ini_value=0)]], dtype=object) """ return Variable.array(name, (n_row, n_col), lowBound, upBound, cat, ini_value)
# ------------------------------------------------------- # Variable Classes # -------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class VarElement: """Base Variable class""" def __init__(self, name, lowBound=None, upBound=None, ini_value=None): self._name = name self.lowBound = lowBound self.upBound = upBound self._value = None if ini_value is not None: self._value = ini_value elif self._type == VariableType.Permutation: self.setRandom() elif self.lowBound is not None and self.upBound is None: self._value = self.lowBound elif self.lowBound is None and self.upBound is not None: self._value = self.upBound else: self.setRandom() self.monomial = Monomial({self: 1})
[docs] def type(self): """ Returns ------- str return variable type """ return self._type
[docs] def value(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns ------- float or int return value of variable """ return self._value
def setValue(self, value): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = value.item() self._value = value def fixValue(self): self.lowBound = self._value self.upBound = self._value @property def name(self): return self._name def getName(self): return self._name def getLb(self, number=False): if number: return ( self.lowBound if self.lowBound is not None else get_variable_lower_bound(to_int=True) ) return self.lowBound def getUb(self, number=False): if number: return ( self.upBound if self.upBound is not None else get_variable_upper_bound(to_int=True) ) return self.upBound
[docs] def feasible(self): """ Returns ------- bool return true if value of self is in between lowBound and upBound else false """ return self.getLb(number=True) <= self._value <= self.getUb(number=True)
[docs] def clip(self): """ map in an feasible area by clipping. ex. value < lowBound -> value = lowBound, value > upBound -> value = upBound """ if self.getLb() is not None: lb = self.getLb(number=True) self._value = max(self._value, lb) if self.getUb() is not None: ub = self.getUb(number=True) self._value = min(self._value, ub)
def getVariables(self): return {self} def toMonomial(self): return self.monomial def isPolynomial(self): return True @property def polynomial(self): return self.toPolynomial() def toPolynomial(self): return Polynomial({self.monomial: 1}) def isLinear(self): return True def isQuadratic(self): return True def differentiable(self): return True
[docs] def diff(self, x): """ Parameters ---------- x : VarElement family Returns ------- Expression the expression differentiated by x """ if x.getName() == self.getName(): return Const(1) else: return Const(0)
[docs] def setRandom(self, scale=1.0): """set random value to variable""" raise NotImplementedError()
def clone(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def max(self): if self.upBound is not None: return self.upBound return get_variable_upper_bound() def min(self): if self.lowBound is not None: return self.lowBound return get_variable_lower_bound() def traverse(self): yield self def traverseAncestors(self): raise NotImplementedError def simplify(self): return self def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): if other == 0: return self return Expression(self, Const(other), "+") elif isinstance(other, VarElement): return Expression(self, other, "+") elif isinstance(other, ExpressionElement): if other.isNeg(): # self + (-other) --> self - other return Expression(self, other.elmB, "-") else: return Expression(self, other, "+") return NotImplemented def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): if other == 0: return self return Expression(Const(other), self, "+") elif isinstance(other, (VarElement, ExpressionElement)): return Expression(other, self, "+") return NotImplemented def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): if other == 0: return self elif other < 0: return Expression(self, Const(-other), "+") else: return Expression(self, Const(other), "-") elif isinstance(other, VarElement): return Expression(self, other, "-") elif isinstance(other, ExpressionElement): if other.isNeg() and isinstance(other, Expression): # self - (-1*other) --> self + other return Expression(self, other.elmB, "+") return Expression(self, other, "-") return NotImplemented def __rsub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): if other == 0: # 0 - self --> -1 * self return -self else: return Expression(Const(other), self, "-") elif isinstance(other, (VarElement, ExpressionElement)): return Expression(other, self, "-") return NotImplemented def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): if other == 0: return 0 elif other == 1: return self elif other == -1: return -self return Expression(Const(other), self, "*") elif isinstance(other, VarElement): return Expression(self, other, "*") elif isinstance(other, ExpressionElement): if isinstance(other, Expression): if other.operator == "*" and isinstance(other.elmA, Const): # self * (a*other) -> a * (self * other) return other.elmA * Expression(self, other.elmB, "*") else: return Expression(other, self, "*") return Expression(other, self, "*") return NotImplemented def __rmul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): if other == 0: return 0 elif other == 1: return self elif other == -1: return -self return Expression(Const(other), self, "*") elif isinstance(other, ExpressionElement): if isinstance(other, Expression): if other.operator == "*" and isinstance(other.elmA, Const): # (a*other) * self -> a * (self * other) return other.elmA * Expression(other.elmB, self, "*") else: return Expression(other, self, "*") return Expression(other, self, "*") return NotImplemented def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): if other == 1: return self elif other == -1: return -self return Expression(self, Const(other), "/") elif isinstance(other, (VarElement, ExpressionElement)): return Expression(self, other, "/") return NotImplemented def __rtruediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): if other == 0: return 0 return Expression(Const(other), self, "/") elif isinstance(other, (VarElement, ExpressionElement)): return Expression(other, self, "/") return NotImplemented def __mod__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int): return Expression(self, Const(other), "%") elif isinstance(other, (VarInteger, ExpressionElement)): return Expression(self, other, "%") raise NotImplementedError() def __pow__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): if other == 0: return 1 elif other == 1: return self return Expression(self, Const(other), "^") elif isinstance(other, (VarElement, ExpressionElement)): return Expression(self, other, "^") return NotImplemented def __rpow__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): if other == 1: return 1 return Expression(Const(other), self, "^") elif isinstance(other, (VarElement, ExpressionElement)): return Expression(other, self, "^") return NotImplemented def __abs__(self): return abs(self._value) def __int__(self): return int(self._value) def __float__(self): return float(self._value) def __neg__(self): # -1 * self return Expression(Const(-1), self, "*", name=f"-{}") def __pos__(self): return self def __hash__(self): return hash( def __eq__(self, other): # self == other --> self - other == 0 if isinstance(other, (number_classes)) and other == 0: return Constraint( Expression(self, Const(0), "+", - other, ConstraintType.Eq, ) return Constraint(self - other, ConstraintType.Eq) def __le__(self, other): # self <= other --> self - other <= 0 if isinstance(other, (number_classes)) and other == 0: return Constraint( Expression(self, Const(0), "+",, ConstraintType.Le ) return Constraint(self - other, ConstraintType.Le) def __ge__(self, other): # self >= other --> other - self <= 0 return Constraint(other - self, ConstraintType.Le) def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return f'VarElement("{}", {self.lowBound}, {self.upBound}, {self.value()})'
[docs]class VarInteger(VarElement): """Integer Variable""" _type = VariableType.Integer def __init__(self, name, lowBound, upBound, ini_value): lowBound = lowBound if lowBound is None else math.ceil(lowBound) upBound = upBound if upBound is None else math.floor(upBound) super().__init__(name, lowBound, upBound, ini_value) self.binarized = None self.binaries = set() def value(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns ------- float or int return value of variable """ return round(self._value) def getLb(self, number=False): if number: return ( self.lowBound if self.lowBound is not None else get_variable_lower_bound(to_int=True) ) return self.lowBound def getUb(self, number=False): if number: return ( self.upBound if self.upBound is not None else get_variable_upper_bound(to_int=True) ) return self.upBound def setRandom(self, scale=1.0): lb = int(scale * self.getLb(number=True)) ub = int(scale * self.getUb(number=True)) self._value = random.randint(lb, ub) def toBinary(self): if self.binarized is None: l, u = int(self.getLb()), int(self.getUb()) with create_variable_mode(): self.binaries = Variable.array( f"__bin_{}", u - l + 1, cat="Binary" ) self.binarized = flopt.Sum( Const(i) * var_bin for i, var_bin in zip(range(l, u + 1), self.binaries) ) if isinstance(self.binarized, VarElement): self.binarized = Expression(self.binarized, Const(0), "+") return self.binarized def getBinaries(self): if self.binarized is None: self.toBinary() return self.binaries def toSpin(self): return self.toBinary().toSpin() def clone(self): """ Parameters ---------- variable_clone : bool if it is true, return a cloned variable """ return VarInteger(, self.lowBound, self.upBound, self._value) def __and__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): other = Const(other) return Expression(self, other, "&") def __rand__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): other = Const(other) return Expression(other, self, "&") def __or__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): other = Const(other) return Expression(self, other, "|") def __ror__(self, other): if isinstance(other, number_classes): other = Const(other) return Expression(other, self, "|") def __repr__(self): return f'Variable("{}", {self.lowBound}, {self.upBound}, "Integer", {self.value()})'
[docs]class VarBinary(VarInteger): """Binary Variable .. note:: Binary Variable behaves differently in "-" and "~" operation. "-" is the subtraction as interger variable, and "~" is the inversion as binary (bool) variable. >>> a = Variable('a', intValue=1, cat='Binary') >>> a.value() >>> 1 >>> (-a).value() >>> -1 >>> (~a).value() >>> 0 """ _type = VariableType.Binary def __init__(self, name, ini_value=None, spin=None): super().__init__(name, 0, 1, ini_value) self.spin = spin def setValue(self, value): self._value = value if self.spin is not None: self.spin._value = 2 * value - 1 def setRandom(self, scale=None): # scale is ignored self._value = random.choice([0, 1]) def toBinary(self): return self def toSpin(self): """ Returns ------- Expression Notes ----- to convert Spin expression {0, 1} to {-1, 1} """ if self.spin is None: with create_variable_mode(): self.spin = VarSpin( f"{}_s", ini_value=int(2 * self._value - 1), binary=self, ) return (self.spin + 1) * 0.5 def clone(self): return VarBinary(, self._value, self.spin) def __mul__(self, other): if id(other) == id(self): # a * a = a return self elif isinstance(other, ExpressionElement) and other.operator == "*": if id(other.elmA) == id(self) or id(other.elmB) == id(self): # a * (a * b) = a * b # a * (b * a) = b * a return other return super().__mul__(other) def __pow__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int): return self return super().__pow__(other) def __invert__(self): # 1 -> 0 # 0 -> 1 return Expression(Const(1), self, "-") def __repr__(self): return f'Variable("{}", cat="Binary", ini_value={self.value()})'
[docs]class VarSpin(VarElement): """Spin Variable, which takes only 1 or -1""" _type = VariableType.Spin def __init__(self, name, ini_value, binary=None): super().__init__(name, -1, 1, ini_value) self.binary = binary def setValue(self, value): self._value = value if self.binary is not None: self.binary._value = int((value + 1) / 2) def feasible(self): """ Returns ------- bool return true if value of self is 1 or -1 else false """ return self._value in {-1, 1} def setRandom(self, scale=None): """set random value to variable""" # scale is ignored self._value = random.choice([-1, 1]) def toBinary(self): """ Returns ------- Expression Notes ----- to convert Binary expression {-1, 1} to {0, 1} """ if self.binary is None: with create_variable_mode(): self.binary = VarBinary( f"{}_b", ini_value=int((self._value + 1) / 2), spin=self, ) return 2 * self.binary - 1 def toSpin(self): return self def clone(self): return VarSpin(, self._value, self.binary) def __mul__(self, other): if id(other) == id(self): return 1 elif isinstance(other, ExpressionElement) and other.operator == "*": if id(other.elmA) == id(self): # a * (a * b) = b if isinstance(other.elmB, number_classes): return other.elmB else: return other.elmB elif id(other.elmB) == id(self): # a * (b * a) = b if isinstance(other.elmA, number_classes): return other.elmA else: return other.elmA return super().__mul__(other) def __rmul__(self, other): if id(other) == id(self): return 1 elif isinstance(other, ExpressionElement) and other.operator == "*": if id(other.elmA) == id(self): # (a * b) * a = b if isinstance(other.elmB, number_classes): return other.elmB else: return other.elmB elif id(other.elmB) == id(self): # (b * a) * a = b if isinstance(other.elmA, number_classes): return other.elmA else: return other.elmA return super().__rmul__(other) def __pow__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int): if other % 2 == 0: return 1 else: return self return super().__pow__(other) def __invert__(self): # -self return self.__neg__() def __repr__(self): return f'Variable("{}", cat="Spin", ini_value={self._value})'
[docs]class VarContinuous(VarElement): """Continuous Variable""" _type = VariableType.Continuous def setRandom(self, scale=1.0): lb = scale * self.getLb(number=True) ub = scale * self.getUb(number=True) self._value = random.uniform(lb, ub) def clone(self): return VarContinuous(, self.lowBound, self.upBound, self._value) def __repr__(self): return f'Variable("{}", {self.lowBound}, {self.upBound}, "Continuous", {self._value})'
[docs]class VarPermutation(VarElement): """Permutation Variable This has [lowBound, ... upBound] range permutation. Examples -------- >>> a = Variable('a', lowBound=0, upBound=3, cat='Permutation') >>> a.value() >>> [2, 1, 3, 0] # randomized >>> b = Variable('b', lowBound=0, upBound=3, ini_value=[0,1,2,3], cat='Permutation') >>> b.value() >>> [0, 1, 2, 3] We can use list operation to Permutation Variable >>> b[1] >>> 1 >>> len(b) >>> 4 >>> b[1:3] >>> [1, 2] """ _type = VariableType.Permutation def __init__(self, name, lowBound=None, upBound=None, ini_value=None): if ini_value is None: ini_value = list(range(lowBound, upBound + 1)) random.shuffle(ini_value) super().__init__(name, lowBound, upBound, ini_value)
[docs] def value(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns ------- list """ _value = self._value[:] # copy return _value
[docs] def setRandom(self, scale=None): """shuffle the list""" # scale is ignored return random.shuffle(self._value)
def isPolynomial(self): return False def isLinear(self): return False def isQuadratic(self): return False def differentiable(self): return False def clone(self): return VarPermutation(, self.lowBound, self.upBound, self._value) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._value) def __getitem__(self, k): return self._value[k] def __len__(self): return len(self._value)
# Variable Variable = VariableFactory()