Source code for flopt.performance.mip_dataset

import re

import pulp

import flopt.solvers
import flopt.convert
from flopt.constants import VariableType, ExpressionType
import flopt.env
from flopt.env import setup_logger

from .base_dataset import BaseDataset, BaseInstance

logger = setup_logger(__name__)

# instance problems
mip_storage = f"{flopt.env.DATASETS_DIR}/mipLib"

[docs]class MipDataset(BaseDataset): """MIP Benchmark Instance Set Parameters ---------- instance_names : list instance name list """ name = "mip" instance_names = [ "markshare2", "50v-10", "enlight_hard", "gen-ip054", "neos-3046615-murg", "gen-ip002", "neos-3754480-nidda", ] def __init__(self): self.sol_data = {} sol_file = "miplib2017-v23.solu" pattern = re.compile("=(?P<status>.*)=\s+(?P<name>.*)\s+(?P<best_value>.*)") for line in open(f"{mip_storage}/{sol_file}", "r"): line = line.strip() m = pattern.match(line) if m is not None: d = m.groupdict() if d["status"] in {"unkn", "inf", "unbd"}: continue name = d["name"].strip() best_value = float(d["best_value"].strip()) status = d["status"].strip() self.sol_data[name] = {"best_value": best_value, "status": status}
[docs] def createInstance(self, instance_name): """ Returns ------- MipInstance """ mps_file = f"{mip_storage}/{instance_name}.mps" pulp_var, pulp_prob = pulp.LpProblem.fromMPS(mps_file) best_value = self.sol_data[instance_name]["best_value"] prob = flopt.convert.pulp_to_flopt(pulp_prob) return MipInstance(instance_name, prob, best_value)
class MipInstance(BaseInstance): """MIP Instance Parameters ---------- name : str problem name prob : Problem best_value : optimal or best value of problem """ def __init__(self, name, prob, best_value): = name self.prob = prob self.best_value = best_value def getBestBound(self): """return the optimal or best value of objective function""" return self.best_value def createProblem(self, solver): """ Create problem according to solver Parameters ---------- solver : Solver solver Returns ------- (bool, Problem) if solver can be solve this instance return (true, prob formulated according to solver) """ problem_type = dict( Variable=VariableType.Number, Objective=ExpressionType.Linear, Constraint=ExpressionType.Linear, ) available_solvers = flopt.solvers.allAvailableSolversProblemType(problem_type) if in available_solvers: return solver.available(self.prob), self.prob else:"{} cannot solve this instance") return False, None def __str__(self): s = f"NAME: {}" return s