Source code for flopt.performance.tsp_dataset

import math
import itertools

import numpy as np

from flopt import Variable, CustomExpression, Problem, Sum
from flopt.constants import VariableType, ExpressionType
import flopt.env
from flopt.env import setup_logger

from .base_dataset import BaseDataset, BaseInstance

logger = setup_logger(__name__)

# instance problems
tsp_storage = f"{flopt.env.DATASETS_DIR}/tspLib/tsp"

[docs]class TSPDataset(BaseDataset): """TSP Benchmark Instance Set Parameters ---------- instance_names : list instance name list """ name = "tsp" instance_names = [ "test8", "pa561", "gr24", "pr1002", "fri26", "fl3795", "gr120", "rl5915", ]
[docs] def createInstance(self, instance_name): """ Returns ------- TSPInstance """ tspfile = f"{tsp_storage}/{instance_name}.tsp" return read_instance_file(tspfile)
def read_instance_file(tspfile): name, dimension, D, C = None, None, None, None with open(tspfile, "r") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() line = line.replace(":", "") if "NAME" in line: name = line.split()[1] if "TYPE" in line: pType = line.split()[1] if "DIMENSION" in line: dimension = int(line.split()[1]) if "EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE" in line: edge_weight_type = line.split()[1] if "EDGE_WEIGHT_FORMAT" in line: edge_weight_format = line.split()[1] if "EDGE_WEIGHT_SECTION" in line: D = read_edge_weight(f, edge_weight_format, dimension) if "NODE_COORD_SECTION" in line: N, D = read_node_coord(f, edge_weight_type, dimension, D) tsp_instance = TSPInstance(name, dimension, D, C) return tsp_instance def read_edge_weight(f, edge_weight_format, dim): D = np.zeros((dim, dim)) if edge_weight_format == "LOWER_DIAG_ROW": i, j = 0, 0 while i < dim: for elm in map(float, f.readline().split()): D[i, j] = D[j, i] = elm (i, j) = (i, j + 1) if j < i else (i + 1, 0) return D if edge_weight_format == "FULL_MATRIX": i, j = 0, 0 while i < dim: for elm in map(float, f.readline().split()): D[i, j] = D[j, i] = elm j = j + 1 i, j = i + 1, 0 return D def read_node_coord(f, edge_weight_type, dim, D): N = {} for _ in range(dim): line = f.readline() node_ix, x, y = line.split() node_ix, x, y = int(node_ix), float(x), float(y) N[node_ix] = (x, y) if edge_weight_type == "EUC_2D": D = np.zeros((dim, dim)) for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): ii, jj = N[i + 1], N[j + 1] dist = math.sqrt((ii[0] - jj[0]) ** 2 + (ii[1] - jj[1]) ** 2) D[i, j] = D[j, i] = dist return N, D class TSPInstance(BaseInstance): """TSP Instance Parameters ---------- name : str problem name dim : int dimension (#cities) D : numpy array Distance matrix (size is dim*dim) C : dict node coordinate data """ def __init__(self, name, dim, D=None, C=None): = name self.dim = dim self.D = D # Distance matrix self.C = C # Node Coordinate data logger.debug(self.__str__(detail=True)) def getBestBound(self): """return the optimal value of objective function""" return None def createProblem(self, solver): """ Create problem according to solver Parameters ---------- solver : Solver solver Returns ------- (bool, Problem) if solver can be solve this instance return (true, prob formulated according to solver) """ problem_type = dict( Variable=VariableType.Permutation, Objective=ExpressionType.Any, Constraint=None, ) available_solvers = flopt.solvers.allAvailableSolversProblemType(problem_type) if in available_solvers: return True, self.createPermProblem() problem_type = dict( Variable=flopt.constants.VariableType.Number, Objective=flopt.constants.ExpressionType.Linear, Constraint=flopt.constants.ExpressionType.Linear, ) available_solvers = flopt.solvers.allAvailableSolversProblemType(problem_type) if in available_solvers: if self.dim > 10:"this instance is enough big not to crate problem") return False, None return True, self.createLpProblem()"{} cannot solve this instance") return False, None def createPermProblem(self): # Variables perm = Variable("perm", lowBound=0, upBound=self.dim - 1, cat="Permutation") # Object def tsp_dist(perm): distance = 0 for head, tail in zip(perm, perm[1:] + [perm[0]]): distance += self.D[head][tail] return distance tsp_obj = CustomExpression(func=tsp_dist, args=[perm]) # Problem prob = Problem(name=f"TSP:{}") prob += tsp_obj return prob def createLpProblem(self): # Variables cities = list(range(self.dim)) n = len(cities) x = Variable.matrix("x", n, n, cat="Binary") np.fill_diagonal(x, 0) u = Variable.array("u", n, lowBound=0, upBound=n - 1, cat="Continuous") # Problem prob = Problem(name=f"TSP(LP):{}") # Objective tsp_obj = Sum(self.D * x) # sum(D[i, j] * x[i, j] for all i, j) prob += tsp_obj # Constants (flow condition) for i in cities: prob += Sum(x[i, :]) == 1 prob += Sum(x[:, i]) == 1 # Connstants (remove subtour) for i, j in itertools.combinations(cities, 2): prob += u[j] >= u[i] + 1 - n * (1 - x[i, j]) if i != 0: prob += u[i] >= u[j] + 1 - n * (1 - x[j, i]) prob += u[0] == 0 return prob def __str__(self, detail=False): s = f"NAME: {}\n" s += f"DIMENSION: {self.D.shape[0]}" if detail: s += f"\nD: {self.D}" return s