Newton’s method

Newton’s method for root-finding

Newton’s method is a kind of iterative root-finding algorithm using jacobian. When we obtain \(x \in \mathbb{R}\) such that \(f(x) = 0\) where \(f: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}\), newton’s method updates as follows.

\(x_{n+1} \leftarrow x_n - \cfrac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)} \ (n \geq 0)\) with initial point \(x_0\)

In flopt, we can obtain the jacobian expression of expression \(f\) by f.jac(). Then we obtain the jacobian value by f.jac().value() or Value(f.jac()).

The following code obtains the root of \(f(x) = x^2 - 2\), so it is success that \(x\) becomes \(\sqrt{2}\)

import flopt

# define f
def f(x):
    return x * x - 2

# define variable with initial value
x = flopt.Variable("x", ini_value=100)

# obtain jacobian function
jac = f(x).jac([x])

for roop in range(10):
    # update x
    x.setValue((x - f(x) / jac).value())
    print(f'roop {roop},  x = {x.value()}')

Output of above code is here.

roop 0,  x 50.01
roop 1,  x 25.024996000799838
roop 2,  x 12.552458046745901
roop 3,  x 6.3558946949311395
roop 4,  x 3.335281609280434
roop 5,  x 1.967465562231149
roop 6,  x 1.4920008896897232
roop 7,  x 1.4162413320389438
roop 8,  x 1.4142150140500531
roop 9,  x 1.414213562373845

We obtained the neary value of \(\sqrt{2}\).

Another code equivalent to above code is shown here.

import flopt

# define variable with initial value
x = flopt.Variable("x", init_value=100)

# define f
f = x * x - 2

# obtain jacobian function
jac = f.jac(x)

for roop in range(10):
    # update x
    x.setValue(x.value() - f.value() / jac.value())
    print(f'roop {roop},  x = {x.value()}')

Newton’s method for minimizing expression

We minimize smoothly function \(f\) by newton’s method. Update method is as follows.

\(x_{n+1} \leftarrow x_n - \nabla^2 f(x_n)^{-1} \nabla f(x_n) (n \geq 0)\) with initial point \(x_0\).

import flopt
import flopt.solution

import itertools
import numpy as np

x1 = flopt.Variable("x1", ini_value=0)
x2 = flopt.Variable("x2", ini_value=3)
x = flopt.solution.Solution([x1, x2])

f = (x1 - 2) ** 4 + (x1 - 2 * x2) ** 2

jac_fn = f.jac(x)
hess_fn = f.hess(x)

for i in itertools.count():
    # 1. calculate jac, hess
    # 2. search direction d
    # 3. update x
    jac, hess = jac_fn.value(), hess_fn.value()
    d = -, jac)
    x += d

    print("iter", i, "x", x.value(), "obj", f.value())

    # terminate condition
    if np.linalg.norm(jac) < 1e-4: